Copyright 2020
Built with Indexhibit
I'm from Perth, Western Australia but currently living in Melbourne, Victoria (Wurundjeri country, Kulin Nation). It's very cold in Melbourne/it's very hot in Perth I guess.
I studied art at Curtin University's School of Art and Design in Perth, where I specialised in screen printing. I make work that can be distributed: prints, posters, business cards, zines and other publications. I often work collaboratively with other artists to put their work on distributable items like booklets, posters and clothing.
Key concepts:
- distribution of art objects
- value in mass production
- news media
- printing processes
- public transport
- dogs
I have two and a half Instagram accounts, which are good places to see things I'm working on in a more timely fashion than my website.
@d_e_mc is my primary account where I sometimes post images of my work but mostly post funny things I see.
@justmotes is my collection of public transport seat patterns that I began in 2013.
@openingnightnails is documentation of fancy nail painting I did to match exhibition openings. I've been pretty busy lately and haven't been able to do fancy nail painting but maybe one day I'll do it again.
You can email me at